Translation of the song Oprosti što je ljubavna artist Crvena jabuka
Oprosti što je ljubavna
Forgive me cause it's a love song
Sivo jutro, opet sam sam
Gray morning,I'm alone again
duša moja načeta
my soul is commenced
tamo gdje si zagrizla
there where you bit it
Sivo jutro, dobro znam
Gray morning,I know well
kad nekog izgubiš
when you lose someone
onda nema povratka
there's no return
Pjesma za tebe jedina
oprosti što je ljubavna
(This is) Only song (written) for you
oprosti što je ljubavna
forgive me cause it's a love song
Jer ja bi sve da dam
Cause I would give everything
čak i onda kada ne trebam
even when I don't need to
u riječi sve da ubjedim te
to convince you in all words
oprosti što još uvijek volim te
forgive me cause I still love you
Sivo jutro, opet sam sam
Gray morning I'm alone again
ne nalazim svoj mir
I'm not finding my peace
kao vuk što traži spas
like the wolf who is looking for salvation
Sivo jutro, dobro znam
Gray morning,I know well
i kad prođe ovaj ludi pir
when this crazy party passes
neće biti ni nas
there wont be us neither
Jer ja bi sve da dam
Cause I would give everything
čak i onda kada ne trebam
even when I don't need to
u riječi sve da ubjedim te
to convince you in all words
oprosti što još uvijek volim te
forgive me cause I still love you