Translation of the song Ostani artist Crvena jabuka
Ostani, ostani jos ove noci
Stay,stay this one night
lakse ce mi san na oci
I'll easier fall asleep
budi drug mi ti, hajde ostani
be my friend,come on,stay
Ostani, vidi kisa na polju sapce
Stay,see the rain outside whispers
jos sat, dva i ona stace
for hour or two,and it will stop
budi dobra ti, hajde ostani
you be good,come on,stay
Pobjeci sad od svega zelim
To run away from everything is what I want,
da ovaj tren sa tobom dijelim
To share this moment with you,
svi su zaspali, hajde ostani
Everyone is asleep ,come on,stay
Ostani, vidim, oci ti sjaje u mraku
Stay,I see,your eyes shining in the dark
i tvoje kose miris u zraku
and feel the smell of your hair in the air
budi moja ti, hajde ostani
be mine ,come on,stay