Translation of the song Sa tvojih usana artist Crvena jabuka


Sa tvojih usana

English translation

From Your Lips

Kad sat zazvoni

When the bell rings

na kuli kraj Begove džamije

On the tower beside Begova Mosque

ja sić' ću, sić' ću do bašće

I'll go down, go down to the garden

šatro šljive da proberem.

Just to pick the plums

Ti uzmi ibrik, srebrn ibrik

You, take an ewer, a silver ewer

k'o fol vode da doneseš

As if to bring some water

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I tada priznat ću ti sve

And then I'll confess to you everything

šapnut riječi te,

I'll whisper those words,

Mmm, volim te

Mmm, I love you

Sa tvojih usana vrućina ubija.

From your lips the heat kills

Još pamtim legende starih plemena

I still remember the legends of the old tribes

što za ljubav glavu gube

That people lose head for love

i umiru kada ljube.

And are dying when they kiss

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