Translation of the song Sanjam te artist Crvena jabuka


Sanjam te

English translation

I'm Dreaming Of You

Sanjam te kako mi mašeš

I’m dreaming of you waving to me

Bijelom maramicom

With a white handkerchief

I plaèeš ko godina

And you’re crying like a year

Sanjam te kako me varaš

I’m dreaming of you cheating on me

S nekom varalicom

With some cheater

Sa suzom u oèima

With a tear in your eye

Nisam te prebolio

I haven’t gotten over you

Nisam ni oprostio

I haven’t forgiven either

Bez tebe dani su mi

Without you days are

Ko nedjelja

Like Sunday

Prazni i dosadni

Empty and boring

Bez tebe misli su mi

Without you my thoughts are

Ko nevera

Like disbelief

I niko da me natjera

And nobody to move me

Nisam te prebolio

I haven’t gotten over you

Nisam ni oprostio

I haven’t forgiven either

Kao brod na tebe nasukan

Like a ship went aground on you

U oèima mi san tako umoran

In my eyes there’s a dream so tired

Dala si mi noæi punog mjeseca

You gave me nights of the full moon

Nestao je miris našeg jastuka

Our pillow’s scent has disappeared

Sanjam te kako mi mašeš

I’m dreaming of you waving to me

Bijelom maramicom

With a white handkerchief

I plaèeš ko godina

And you’re crying like a year

Sanjam te kako me varaš

I’m dreaming of you cheating on me

S nekom varalicom

With some cheater

Sa suzom u oèima

With a tear in your eye

Kao brod na tebe nasukan

Like a ship went aground on you

U oèima mi san tako umoran

In my eyes there’s a dream so tired

Dala si mo noæi punog mjeseca

You gave me nights of the fool moon

Nestao je miris našeg jastuka

Our pillow’s scent has disappeared

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