Translation of the song Sjećanja artist Crvena jabuka



English translation


Kada pomisliš

If you remember,

Jednom na mene

Even once, about me,

Ako ti još ponešto značim

If I still mean something to you,

Ne pitaj

Don't ask,

Nebo pogledaj

But lookup to the sky

Zvijezda sjaj

And brightness of the stars -

Tamo ćeš me naći

There, you'll find me,


You know.

Ako postoji mirna uvala

If there is a safe harbor,

Neki grad

Some town

I neki skriveni kutak

And some secret corner,


Then, cry

Suze ne skrivaj

Without hiding tears,

Pusti glas


Barem na trenutak

At least for a moment,

I znaj

And know.

Neka sjećanja ove noći bole

Let this night's memories torment

Srcima što se tajno vole

Hearts, that secretly love each other.

Nek te ponesu

Let you be carried by

Neke pjesme stare

Some old songs,

Nejakim suzama gitare

Guitar's tearful chords.

I oprosti mi

And forgive me

Još te volim ja

For I still love you.

Ako postoji mirna uvala

If there is a safe harbor,

Neki grad

Some town

I neki skriveni kutak

And some secret corner,

Suze ne skrivaj

Then, cry

Pusti glas

Without hiding tears,

Barem na trenutak


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