Translation of the song Stižu me sjećanja artist Crvena jabuka
Stižu me sjećanja
Memories are coming for me
Ne gori više svjetlo tamo
Light is not burning anymore there
Gdje sam te davno čekao
Where I waited you a long time ago
Od svega tinja tuga samo
Of all only sadness is smoldering
Sve sam ti rekao
I told you everything
I ne pitaj me kako mi je
Don't ask me how I feel
Kad vidiš dobro kako je
When you see very well how it is
Svakome jednom loše krene
Everyone once goes everything bad
Meni ne prestaje
But it doesn't stop to me
Stižu me sjećanja
Memories are coming for me
Na sva davna proljeća
Of all long-time-ago springs
I na naše poljupce
Of our kisses
Tamo, pokraj Miljacke
There, near Miljacka*
Stižu me godine
Ages are coming for me
Kada čovjek zastane
When man stops
I kad prošlost pogleda
And when he looks at past
Nekim drugim očima
With some different eyes
Kad slomiš granu tužne vrbe
When you break a branch of weeping willow
U zemlju kad je posadiš
When you plant it in the ground
Izraste neko novo drvo
There grows some new wood
Staro zaboraviš
And you forgot about the old one
Al' moja priča i nije moja
But my story isn't mine
Ništa ja nisam birao
I didn't choose anything
I moj je korijen gorio tamo
And my root was burning there
A ja sam svirao
But I was playing