Translation of the song Sto pijanih noći artist Crvena jabuka


Sto pijanih noći

English translation

Hundred drunken nights

Kad se zima spremi za bijeg,

When the winter is getting ready to leave

putnik u njenom vozu bićeš i ti.

A passanger on its train will be you

Izdaće te poslijednji snijeg

The last snow will melt

i na njemu tvoji tragovi.

And with it your traces



U mome srcu rijeka,

In my heart there is a river

vrela voda sa tvog izvora,

Hot water from your spring

ne znaš ti kad se čeka

You don't know, that when you are waiting

da su dani dugi poput stoljeća.

The days are as long as centuries

A kada ostariš

And when, you get old

i ovu pjesmu potražiš,

And search for this song

znaćeš da su meni tvoje oči

You will know, that your eyes gave to me

darovale sto pijanih noći.

Hundred drunken nights

Kad ti noću san ne dolazi,

When during the night, you can't fall asleep

to mislima te zovem,

It is because I am calling you with my thoughts

s tobom putujem,

I am traveling with you

otkinem i ludak polazi

I rip it and a crazy man starts going

do one stare naše ulice.

To that old street of ours



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