Translation of the song Tugo, nesrećo artist Crvena jabuka
Tugo, nesrećo
Grief, Misfortune
Ona dolazi, jednostavno osjetim
She's comming, I simply feel it
možda mi šapne snijeg sa grane
Maybe the snow on the branch will whisper it to me
šta mi donosi, kusur od ljubavi
What does that change (money) of love bring me
il' malo sreće minulih dana
Or a bit of happiness the past days
ne znam kako, al' znam, ona dolazi
I don't know how, but I know, she's comming
Kad suze govore, istina razvaljuje
When tears speak, the truth ruins
i svaka riječ me obori s nogu
And every word knocks me of my feet
to što si varala, to bih ti oprostio
That you've cheated, I'd forgive you that
al' što si mene, to ne mogu
But why me (cheated on me), that I can't (forgive)
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Tugo, tugo, nesrećo
Grief, grief, misfortune
nikoga nisam tako volio
I've never loved anyone like that