Translation of the song Učinit ću sve da te artist Crvena jabuka
Učinit ću sve da te
I will do everything to
Kao, kao struja me udaraš
Like, like electricity you are shaking me
Ti ne treba da foliraš
You don't have to fake it
Ti si meka, topla i vlažna
You are soft, warm and wet
Topla i vlažna
Warm and wet
Pusti, pusti davež papaka
Ignore, ignore the nonsense of the idiots
Što masni su do lakata
That are oily up to their elbows
Ti si za njih premija
You are for them an exclusive
Ja, ja ne želim da se udvaram
I, I don't want to flirt with you
Daj uljepšaj dan dosadan
Come on and make this boring day better
Ti si meka pornografija
You are soft pornography
Djeci zabranjena
Banned from kids
Djeci uskraćena
Kids are deprived off
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Učinit ću sve
I will do anything
Da te zadovoljim
To satisfy you
Da te cijelu ispunim
To fill you up
I usrećim
And make you happy
Noćas sam u formi ja
Tonight I am in good form!
Kao, kao struja me udaraš
Like, like electricity you are shaking me
Ti ritam nikad ne mijenjaš
You never change your rhythm
Meni treba ta energija
I need that energy
Pusti, pusti davež papaka
Ignore, ignore the nonsense of the idiots
Što masni su do lakata
That are oily up to their elbows
Ti si za njih partija
You are for them just a game
Još neodigrana
That they haven't played
Ja, ja ne želim da razgovaram
I, I don't want to talk
To je čista budalaština
That is pure stupidity
Ti si meka pornografija
You are soft pornography
Djeci zabranjena
Banned from kids
Djeci uskraćena
Kids are deprived off
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