Volio bih da si tu
I would love you to be here
ove noći tako trebaš mi
This night I need you so
kao more mornaru
Like the sailor needs the sea
nemam s kim nadu dijeliti
I have noone to share my hope with
dijeliti i sačuvati
Share it and keep it
Volio bih da si tu
I would love for you to be here
noćni program je na radiju
The nightly program is on the radio
puštaju neku dragu muziku
They are playing some dear music
moje misli tebi putuju
My thoughts are traveling to you
putuju da te pronađu
Traveling so they can find you
Noćas zvijezde padaće
Tonight the stars will fall
jedna od njih naša je
One of them is ours
jedna nosi utjehu
One carries comfort
volio bih da si tu
I would love for you to be here
Volio bih da si tu
I would love for you to be here
ove noći da pričas mi
To talk to me this night
slavili bi do zore
We would celebrate til dawn
svu bi nježnost svijeta popili
We would take in the world's caress
popili pa se ljubili
Take it in, then fall in love