Translation of the song Za Sve Ove Godine artist Crvena jabuka
Za Sve Ove Godine
To All These Years
Još je kod tebe dobro i toplo
Your place is still nice and warm
Još na uživanje ti miriše soba
Your room still smells delightful
Ali nikad dalja nisi bila mi
But you were never as far from me as now
Kroz kolut plavog dima
Through a cloud of blue smoke
Vidim ti oči i suze u njima
I see your eyes and tears in them
Zatvori prozor, noćas će padati
Close the window, it will rain tonight
A ti, ti bi da me poljubiš
And you, you'd like to kiss me
I da nazdraviš
And drink to...
Za sve ove godine
To all these years
Što su te promijenile
Which changed you
Za sve one poljupce
To all those kisses
Za sve što mi duguješ
To all that you owe me
Hoćes opet
You want to again
Hoćes da me napiješ
You want to intoxicate me
Cigare su dogorjele
Cigarettes have burned out
Riječi više ništa ne znače
Words mean nothing anymore
Samo malo tihe muzike u sobi
Some soft music is in the room
Kroz kolut plavog dima
Through a cloud of blue smoke
Vidim ti oči i suze u njima
I see your eyes and tears in them
Zaključaj vrata, neću se vratiti
Lock the door, I will not be coming back
A ti, ti bi da me poljubiš
And you, you'd like to kiss me
I da nazdraviš
And drink to...
Za sve ove godine
To all these years
Što su te promijenile
Which changed you
Za sve one poljupce
To all those kisses
Za sve što mi duguješ
To all that you owe me
Hoćes opet
You want to again
Hoćes da me napiješ
You want to intoxicate me