Translation of the song Zarjavele trobente artist Crvena jabuka
Zarjavele trobente
Rusty trumpets
Nostalgičen nek je večer
One nostalgic evening
Franc in Liza
Franz and Lisa
na trapezu sta plesala
were dancing on the trapeze
v cirkusu Qua-la-bladala
at the Circus of Qua-la-bladalah.
Franc je pozabil Lizo
Franz has forgot Lisa
visoko nekje v zraku,
somewhere high in the air.
zagledal je njene oči
He has looked into her eyes
na parketu Qua-la-bladala.
on the parquet of Qua-la-bladalah.
Želel je, da sloni letijo
He wanted elephants to fly
in jo zbudijo, in jo zbudio,
to wake her up, to wake her up,
zarjavele trobente svojo glasbo
rusty trumpets to play their music
da jo zbudijo, da jo zbudijo
to wake her up, to wake her up.
Žirafe, opice in tigri,
Giraffes, monkeys and tigers,
žalostni so afriški levi.
African lions are sad.
Franc poslušal je trobente,
Franz has listened to the trumpets,
raztrgal cirkuške plakate
torn the circus posters.
Franc je pozabil Lizo
Franz has forgot Lisa
visoko nekje v zraku,
somewhere high in the air.
zagledal je njene oči
He has looked into her eyes
na parketu Qua-la-bladala.
on the parquet of Qua-la-bladalah.
Ref 5x
Ref. 5x