Translation of the song يا إنسان artist Saad Lamjarred


يا إنسان

English translation

O people

شو ها الزمن اللى وصلناله

What kind of era we've reached to

لون الدني اسود

Black is the color of life


And blood

وريحة غدر والموت صار الهم

A smell of betray, and the death became worrisome

وبسال شو بكى

And I ask, what happened to you?

طفلة ملبكة

Oh you, a little confounded girl, (following lines are related)

دمعا نهر وعيونا قهر

Her tears are flowing river alike, her eyes are full of sorrows,

ما بتعرف تشتكى

A girl, who doesn't know how to complain.

كلو عم يقتل كلو

Everybody is killing everybody.

مابعرف مين ومين

I don't know even who is who (who is killing who)

كل باسمك يالله

Everyone is using the name of God...

عم يقتل بالسكين

(As an excuse) to kill by knife.

الله خلقك يا انسان

God has created you, people

خلقك من قبل الاديان

Created you before the religion has been created

والدم اللى بتشرب منه

And the blood you're drinking (the people you are killing)

اللة ودينه براء منو

Allah and the religion (of him) is far away of that (it's not a reflection of religion)

الله اكبر الله اكبر

Allah is greatest, Allah is greatest

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