Translation of the song Zvona zvone artist Crvena jabuka
Zvona zvone
Zvona zvone i grad tone
Bells are ringing and the town drowns into the night
u noć i mi s njim
With us by it side
širom oči ove noći
Eyes opened wide this night
glupo je spavati dok srce govori
It’s stupid to sleep while the heart is talking
Opet iste stvari pišu novine
Again same stuffs are writing the newspapers
kažeš pravim frku bez potrebe
You say I cause disaster without a need
nebo sprema kišu, vrijeme mijenja se
The sky prepares the rain, time changes everything
kako razbiti sate dosade
How to break the hours of boredom
tebe tako malo stvari nervira
You get annoyed by little things
tebi svijet je šarena slikovnica
For you the world is a colorful picture
tvoja koljena haljina otkriva
Your dress shows your leg
za divne stvari ti si stvorena
You are born for beautiful things
šta treba raditi
What should be done?
Opet bole me stare gluposti
Again the old bullshits hurt me
pravila su tu, počni igrati
The rules are here, start to play
pali vatra sa tvojih obraza
Light the fire from your cheeks
tvoje tijelo zove i provocira
Your body calls and provokes