Translation of the song Scat Men artist Achille Lauro


Scat Men

English translation

Scat Men

[Strofa 1: Achille Lauro]

[Verse 1: Achille Lauro]

Mami, mami, ma', sono a casa

Mom, mom, ma, I'm at home

Te l'ho parcheggiata in fila, ho riempito la strada

I parked it in line for you, I filled up the street

Io che sto cullando 'sti ragazzi come il mare

Me, who's rocking these guys like the sea

Ma' avevi ragione, scusa, l'ho dovuto fare

Ma, you were right, I'm sorry, I had to do it

Oh, sì, credimi a me, che le stelle sono qui accanto a te

Oh, yes, believe me that the stars are here next to you

E sto sbagliando, ma tu impara da me

And I'm doing things wrong but you learn from me

Non ho paura come è stato con te

I'm not afraid like it was with you

Non mi importa, no

It's not important to me, no

Oh, baby dai, non darmi retta, no

Oh, baby, come on, don't listen to me, no

Oh mamma, sai che cosa ho in testa

Oh mother, you know what's in my head

Sì, so una vita è solo questa

Yes, I know this life is the only one we have

[Ritornello: Achille Lauro]

[Chorus: Achille Lauro]

Pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

[Strofa 2: Ghali]

[Verse 2: Ghali]

Assomiglia a pa', ma cosa cazzo dici?

It resembles pa, but what the fuck are you saying?

Ma m'hanno fatto già, non è colpa degli amici

But I was already made, it's not my friends' fault

Cos'hai da dirmi, ah? Cos'hai da dire, dimmi

What do you have to tell me, huh? What do you have to say, tell me

Voglio la verità, anche se mi ferisci (Pa-para-pi, pa-para-po)

I want the truth, even if it hurts me (Pa-para-pi, pa-para-po)

Hey, non sta né in cielo e in terra

Hey, it's neither in heaven nor on earth

Ho accettato la miseria, lei no

I've accepted the misery, she hasn't

Baby, non darmi retta

Baby, don't listen to me

Oggi dico di sì e domani no

Today I say yes and tomorrow no

Ho appena perso la testa

I just lost my head

Ma l'innocenza già da un po'

But I already lost my innocence a little while ago

Pa, para-pi, pa-para, po

Pa, para-pi, pa-para, po

[Ritornello: Achille Lauro]

[Chorus: Achille Lauro]

Pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

[Strofa 3: Gemitaiz]

[Verse 3: Gemitaiz]

Hey, fuma e lei sta con me

Hey, she smokes and she's with me

Dicevano no, quello non va e invece poi sta in Top 10

They were saying no, that doesn't fly but instead I'm in the Top 10

Supereroi, sì del quartiere

Superheroes, yes, from the hood

Frà siamo gli action man, sì nella giungla

We're all action men, yes, in the jungle

Into the wild, chiedilo a Sean Penn

Into the wild, ask Sean Penn

Baby, non ci dare retta

Baby, don't listen to us

Siamo impazziti in fretta

We went crazy quickly

Con lo studio in cameretta

With studying in the bedroom

Con i sogni e mal di testa

With dreams and headaches

Yeah, vuoi l'odissea, siamo Interstellar

Yeah, you want the odyssey, we're Interstellar

Non mi svegliare, lasciami in questa

Don't wake me up, leave me in here

[Ritornello: Achille Lauro]

[Chorus: Achille Lauro]

Pa-po, pe, pa-pa, pa

Pa-po, pe, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

[Bridge: Achille Lauro]

[Bridge: Achille Lauro]

Ira del cielo, ira de terra, yeah

Wrath of heaven, wrath of earth, yeah

Ira del cielo, ira de terra, yeah

Wrath of heaven, wrath of earth, yeah

Ira del cielo, ira de terra, yeah

Wrath of heaven, wrath of earth, yeah

Ira del cielo, ira de terra

Wrath of heaven, wrath of earth

[Ritornello: Achille Lauro]

[Chorus: Achille Lauro]

Pa, po-pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa, po-pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Para-pi, pa-po, pe, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

Pa-para-pi, pa-po, pe, pa, para-pi, pa-pa, pa

[Outro: Achille Lauro, Ghali & Gemitaiz]

[Outro: Achille Lauro, Ghali & Gemitaiz]

Non sta né in cielo e in terra

It's neither in heaven nor on earth

Oh, baby dai, non darmi retta

Oh, baby, come on, don't listen to me

Non sta né in cielo e in terra

It's neither in heaven nor on earth

Oh mamma, sai che cosa ho in testa

Oh mother, you know what's in my head

Non sta né in cielo e in terra

It's neither in heaven nor on earth

Non sta né in cielo e in terra, no

It's neither in heaven nor on earth, no

Pa, para-pi, pa-para, po

Pa, para-pi, pa-para, po

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