Translation of the song Selanik artist Deniz Selçuk
Thessaloniki (Saloniki)
Ey, Tuna sanma ki Meriç seni unuttu
Oh!, Danube, don't think that Maritsa has forgotten you
Ey Batum sanma ki Aras seni unuttu
Oh! Batumi, don't think that Aras has forgotten you
Plevne'de bir baba ölmekden gayrı yol yok dedi
A father in Plevne said there is no way but death
Senin için ey Tuna!
For you, Danube!
Üzülme sakın Selanik'im, sen Türk yurdusun
Don't get sad, my Saloniki, you are a Turkish land
Hep öyle bilineceksin
You'll always be known like that
Yüceler Yücesi Mustafa'mın doğduğu yersin
You are the place that my sublime Mustafa has born
Seni unutmaya yeltenen Türk değildir
The ones who attempt to forget you are not Turkish