きみ この間 改札口で
Hi, you are the one who was waiting for someone
At the ticket gate the other day, aren't you?
Holding a ribbon-wrapped package
Wearing white shoes
I knew as soon as I saw your eyes
That you'd been waiting for a long time
こらえてもあふれる涙 手のひらで
Despite keeping them back, tears was overflowing; there were the red marks
Where you'd rubbed that away by the palms of the hands
うさぎ うさぎ 誰を待って泣いた
Rabbit, rabbit, who were you waiting for while you cried?
みんな きみのこと 忘れてる時
At the time everyone forgot you
うさぎ うさぎ 寒くなってきたよ
Rabbit, rabbit, it's getting colder
いつか日も暮れた 人ごみの中
Among the crowd, the sun went down before I knew that
ぼくも友達 待つふりをして
I also pretended to wait for a friend
And was watching you for a while
It was like the only place
Where time stopped in the buzzing town
A toy clock what I'd wanted and cried when I was a little boy
It started to go around with making mysterious sound
In front of my eyes
It's knocking at my heart now
うさぎ うさぎ 誰を待って泣いた
Rabbit, rabbit, who were you waiting for while you cried?
いつまでも そうして 待っているの
Are you waiting like that forever?
うさぎ うさぎ 声もかけられずに
Rabbit, rabbit, I couldn't even speak to you
ぼくはただ黙って きみを見てたよ
I just kept silent and was looking at you
うさぎ うさぎ 涙ながせもっと
Rabbit, rabbit, shed more tears out
知らん顔で過ぎる 都会の夜
The urban night passing unconcernedly
うさぎ うさぎ 駅も街も人も
Rabbit, rabbit, until you bury the station, the city
きみのその淋しさで うずめるまで
And also the people under your loneliness