Translation of the song 風のたてがみ artist Hiroko Taniyama
Mane of wind
明け方の月が 僕の夢を揺らしている
The Moon at the dawn is rocking my dream
耳もとで誰かが僕に何か告げる 不思議な声
A mysterious voice that someone tells me something into my ear
長い眠りから目を醒ませと 夢の時は終わりだと
It says: wake up from the long sleep and dream time is over
ささやきかける声にせかされ 目を開いた
Hurried by the whispering voice, I opened my eyes
僕の目に映るものは 見知らぬ広い世界
What's reflected in my eyes is a strange vast world
どこまでも続く空と 乾いた寒い大地
The sky that goes on forever and the dry, cold land
夢の王国はどこに消えた 光満ちる孔雀の庭
Where did the kingdom of dream disappear? The garden of peacock, filled with light
金と銀の天使たちの 楽の調べ
A tune of music played by gold and silver angels
崩れ落ちていく城壁や 財宝抱いた難破船
Ramparts which is getting crambled down, and a wrecked ship holding treasure
かがり火の中 踊る娘の白い足も
And also white feet of a maiden dancing about a bonfire
今はない どこにもない 呼んでも答はない
Now there aren't, nowhere to be found, there's no answer even if I call
ただひとり 僕はひとり 無人の荒野に立つ
Just alone, I'm in alone, and stand on the uninhabited wastelands
風が叫んでる これでやっと やっときみは自由だと
The wind is crying out: Now at last— at last you got free!
風は激しく空を叩いて 笑っている
The wind is beating the sky hard and laughing
僕も風になり 風とともに 旅に出よう あてもなく
I'll also become the wind, and let me go on a journey with the wind
朝日を受けてきらめく僕の 銀のたてがみ
My silver mane receiving the morning sun to be glittering
僕を呼ぶきみの声が 確かにきこえている
I can hear your voice calling me certainly
この胸に星のように まだ見ぬきみが光る
In my heart, like a star, you, who I've never seen, are twinkling
僕を呼ぶきみの声が 確かにきこえている
I can hear certainly now your voice calling me
ただひとり 僕はひとり 無人の荒野に立つ
Just alone, I'm in alone, and stand on the uninhabited wastelands