Translation of the song 鳥籠姫 artist Hiroko Taniyama
Birdcage Princess
鳴いてごらん Cuckoo きれいな声で
Sing for me Cuckoo with your pretty voice
And say you love me
いとおしい小鳥 きみはぼくだけの
For you, my lovely bird, only belong to me
いつもそばで 歌っておくれ
Always sing by my side
やさしくささやく あなたの声が
Your tenderly murmuring voice
今も確かに きこえるけれど
I can still hear it even now
それは海からの 風が運んだ
But it's an illusion of the one that's not here
That the wind carried along from the sea
A long, long lonely time
帰らぬ人を 待ちつづけて
Waiting for a person who didn't come
わたしはわたしを ここに閉じこめた
I have trapped up myself
In a cage knitted with willow branches
もう誰もわたしの 背中のねじを
Although there's none to be found
Who can twist a screw in my back
鳴いてごらん Cuckoo きれいな声で
Sing for me Cuckoo with your pretty voice
And say you love me
できるならきみを この籠の中
If I could, I'd put you inside this cage
鍵をかけて 閉じこめたいよ
And lock you up in there
あなたの願いは どんなことでも
No matter what the cost would be
I wanted to make all your wishes come true
だけど願いだけ ここに残して
But you only left your wishes behind
あなたは消えた 永久(とわ)の旅へと
And set off on a journey of eternity
海の見える 丘の家に
In a house on the hill overlooking the sea
ほこりだけが 静かに積もる
Dust silently gathers around
わたしはわたしを ここに閉じこめた
I have trapped up myself
In a cage knitted with willow branches
わたしを作った あなたの腕に
Waiting for a day to go back again
帰るその日を ひとり待ちながら
Into your arms that created me