Translation of the song Čovjek mog života artist Maja Blagdan
Čovjek mog života
The Man Of My Life
Kad su nam se oči srele
When our eyes met
Ja sam znala istog trena
I knew that very moment
Da si onaj koga sanjam,
That you were the one I am dreaming about,
O kom maštam usamljena
The one who I am fantasizing about, all alone
Svi su prije tebe bili
Everyone before you was
Samo blijeda sjena sreće
Just a pale shadow of happiness
Bit ćeš moj do zadnjeg daha
You will be mine till the last breath
Rastavit nas nitko neće
No one will ever separate us
Budi tu na mome ramenu
Be here, on my shoulder
I noć podijeli
And split the night
Procvjetao cvijet u kamenu
A flower bloomed in a stone
Kad smo se sreli
When we met
Moja sretna zvijezda, to si ti
My lucky star, that is you
I sva dobrota
And all that is good
Jedini si čovjek mog života
You are the only man of my life
Jedini si čovjek mog života
You are the only man of my life
Zaljubljena ja sam žena
I am woman in love
Živim samo za nas dvoje
I live only for the two of us
Nitko nema tako nježne ruke
No one has hands as gentle
Kao što su tvoje
As yours
Blagoslovila me sreća
Happiness blessed me
Da mi ljubav srce zgrije
Made my heart warm
Pored tebe opet živim
Next to you I am alive again
Ne znam što bih da te nije
I don't know what I'd do without you