Translation of the song Lisboa À Noite artist Katia Guerreiro


Lisboa À Noite

English translation

Lisbon At Night

Lisboa adormeceu, já se acenderam

Lisbon fell asleep, yet there were lit

Mil velas, nos altares das colinas

A thousand candles, on the altars of the hills

Guitarras pouco a pouco emudeceram

Guitars little by little were silenced

Cerraram-se as janelas pequeninas

Shut were the tiny windows

Lisboa dorme um sono repousado

Lisbon sleeps a sleep rested

Nos braços voluptuosos do seu Tejo

In the voluptuous arms of her Tagus

Cobriu-a a colcha azul do céu estrelado

Covered with the blue quilt of the starry sky

E a brisa veio a medo, dar-lhe um beijo

And the breeze comes for fear, to give him a kiss



Andou de lado em lado

Walked side by side

Foi ver uma toirada

Saw a bullfight

Depois bailou, bebeu

Afterwards danced, drank



Ouviu cantar o fado

Heard singing fado

Rompia a madrugada

Dawn broke

Quando ela adormeceu

When she fell asleep

Lisboa não parou a noite inteira

Lisbon did not stop all night

Boémia, estava nada, mas bairrista

Bohemia, was anything, but parochial

Foi à sardinha assada lá na feira

There were grilled sardines there at the fair

E à segunda sessão duma revista

And the second edition of a magazine

Dali, p'ro Bairro Alto, então galgou

From there, through Bairro Alto, finally climbed

No céu, a lua cheia refulgia

In the sky, the full moon shone

Ouviu cantar Amália, e então sonhou

Heard singing Amalia, and then dreamed

Que era a saudade aquela voz que ouvia

That there was nostalgia for the voice that I had heard

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