Translation of the song شبعنا من التمثيل artist Fadel Chaker


شبعنا من التمثيل

English translation

We're done with acting

يا اللي مفكر نفسك فوق البشر و الناس

You, the one thinking you are above humankind & people

قادر و يكسر نفسك رب البشر و الناس

He's capable of breaking you, the God (owner) of humankind & people

مهما كبرت هتوصل لفين و آخرك إيه

However you grew, where are you reaching & what's your limit

اللي معلم يعلم بكرا الزمن دا عليه

The teacher/master1, tomorrow time will teach (mark) him

و يا دنيا كفاية خيانة شبعنا من التمثيل

And you world (life), enough with betrayal, we're done with acting

و امانة عليكي أمانة لو شوفتي حد اصيل

And it's upon you (world), if you ever see someone noble

تقوليله يا عم فارقنا لا زمانك ولا دنيتنا

Tell him, leave us man, it's not your time nor our world

ده زمان العايب فيه في السما و الحر ذليل

This is a world in which faulty2 people are in the sky & free people are humiliated

وليه في ناس بتتمنى دمار .. دمار غيرها

And why there are people who wish for destruction.. destruction of others

مشاعرها دى زيف مصنوع

Their feelings are fakes, made up

و ناس تانية بتتمنى الهنا .. الهنا لغيرها

And other people wish for bliss.. bliss for others

وتصحى وقلبها مخدوع

And they wake up with their hearts deceived

و يا دنيا كفاية خيانة شبعنا من التمثيل

And you world, enough with betrayal, we're done with acting

و امانة عليكي أمانة لو شوفتي حد اصيل

And it's upon you (world), if you ever see someone noble

تقوليله يا عم فارقنا لا زمانك ولا دنيتنا

Tell him, leave us man, it's not your time nor our world

ده زمان العايب فيه في السما و الحر ذليل

This is a world in which faulty people are in the sky & free people are humiliated

مهما كبرت هتوصل لفين و آخرك إيه

However you grew, where are you reaching & what's your limit

اللي معلم يعلم بكرا الزمن دا عليه

The teacher, tomorrow time will teach him

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