Translation of the song Europe, Anthem of (Unofficial) artist National Anthems & Patriotic Songs
Europe, Anthem of (Unofficial)
Anthem of Europe (Unofficial)
Est Europa nunc unita
Europe is now united
et unita maneat.
and united will remain.
Una in diversitate
One in diversity,
pacem mundi augeat.
it contributes to world peace.
Semper regnant in Europa
May always reign in Europe
fides et justitia
faith and justice,
et libertas populorum
and the people´s freedom
in majore patria.
in the greater homeland.
Cives, floreat Europa
Citizens, Europe blooms
opus magnum vocat vos.
a great task calls to you.
Stellæ signa sunt in caelo
The stars in the sky are golden
aureæ, quae iungant nos.
symbols that join us together.