Translation of the song Amurgul artist Angela Similea
The Twilight
Amurgul e ziua ce nu vrea să sfârşească,
The twilight is the day which doesn’t want to end,
E noaptea care stă să se nască,
It’s the night which is ready to be born,
E valul care stinge vâlvătaia soarelui,
It’s the wave which extinguishes the blaze of the sun,
E poarta deschisă visului.
It’s the gate open to the dream.
Câte vise înfloresc,
How many dreams bloom,
Dar câte vise veştejesc,
But how many dreams wither,
Când şi-ntinde aripile ,
When it spreads its wings,
Să aprindă stelele!
To light the stars.
Amurgul... amurgul...
The twilight…the twilight.
Amurgul e timpul care vine şi se duce ,
The twilight is the time that comes and goes away,
E focul ce se află la răscruce ,
It’s the fire that is at crossroad,
E cer spre care suie, suie-agale liniştea,
It’s sky towards which the quiet goes up, slowly goes up,
E ceasul când cânta dragostea.
It’s the hour when the love sings.
Câte inimi nu tresar ,
How many hearts don’t thrill,
Dar şi plâng multe în zadar ,
But also many others cry in vain,
Când deschide pleoapele ,
When it opens the eyelids
Să adune razele.
To gather the rays!
Amurgul... amurgul...
The twilight…the twilight…