Ce-aş fi fost dacă n-ai fi existat
What would I have been if you didn't exist
Nici nu-mi pot imagina
I can't even imagine it
Mă întreb dacă n-ai fi existat
I wonder if you didn't exist
Ce-ar fi fost viaţa mea
What my life would have been
Poate nu te merit, dar sunt fericită
Maybe I don't deserve you, but I'm happy
Şi simt c-am câştigat pămantu’ntreg
And I feel like I've won the whole world
Tocmai de aceea, uneori mi-e teamă
Which is why I'm sometimes afraid
Am câştigat şi nu mai vreau să pierd
I won and I don't want to lose anymore
Darul meu primeşte-l, este doar iubirea
Take my gift, it is just love
De crezi că nu-i prea mult, mă vei ierta
If you think that it isn't too much, you will forgive me
Dacă-i fericirea un dar anume
If love is a gift, in particular
Ani întregi l-aş căuta
I would seek it for years
L-aş găsi şi ţi l-aş da
I would find it and I would give it to you
Ce-aş fi fost dacă n-ai fi existat
What would I have been if you didn't exist
Nici nu-mi pot imagina
I can't even imagine it
Mă întreb dacă n-ai fi existat
I wonder if you didn't exist
Ce-ar fi fost viaţa mea
What my life would have been
Ce-aş fi fost dacă n-ai fi existat
What would I have been if you didn't exist
Atunci pe cine-aş fi iubit
Then, who would I have loved
Mă întreb dacă n-ai fi existat
I wonder, if you didn't exist
Cui aş fi spus bine-ai venit
Who would I have welcomed
Poate nu te merit, dar sunt fericită
Maybe I don't deserve you, but I'm happy
Şi simt c-am câştigat pămantu’ntreg
And I feel like I've won the whole world
Tocmai de aceea, uneori mi-e teamă
Which is why I'm sometimes afraid
Am câştigat şi nu mai vreau să pierd
I won and I don't want to lose anymore
Darul meu primeşte-l, este doar iubirea
Take my gift, it is just love
De crezi că nu-i prea mult, mă vei ierta
If you think that it isn't too much, you will forgive me
Dacă-i fericirea un dar anume
If love is a gift, in particular
Ani întregi l-aş căuta
I would seek it for years
L-aş găsi şi ţi l-aş da
I would find it and I would give it to you
Ce-aş fi fost dacă n-ai fi existat
What would I have been if you didn't exist
Nici nu-mi pot imagina
I can't even imagine it
Mă întreb dacă n-ai fi existat
I wonder if you didn't exist
Ce-ar fi fost viaţa mea
What my life would have been
Ce-aş fi fost dacă n-ai fi existat
What would I have been if you didn't exist
Atunci pe cine-aş fi iubit
Then, who would I have loved
Mă întreb dacă n-ai fi existat
I wonder, if you didn't exist
Cui aş fi spus bine-ai venit
Who would I have welcomed
Ce-aş fi fost dacă n-ai fi existat
What would I have been if you didn't exist
Atunci pe cine-aş fi iubit
Then, who would I have loved
Mă întreb dacă n-ai fi existat
I wonder, if you didn't exist
Cui aş fi spus bine-ai venit
Who would I have welcomed