Translation of the song Ninsorile de flori artist Angela Similea
Ninsorile de flori
Snow of Flowers
Într-o seară, timid ţi-am şoptit:
One night, shyly I whispered to you:
Flori de flăcări în mine-au înflorit.
Flowers of flames bloomed in me.
Doar petale purta fruntea mea
Just petals my forehead was wearing
Şi zâmbetul de soare se umplea.
And my smile with the sun it was filled.
Să aşteptăm amândoi
Let's both wait
Ninsorile de flori,
For the snow of flowers,
Ce doar pentru noi vor cădea (Vor cădea)
Which just for us will fall (Will fall)
Vremea s-o-nchizi,
Lock up the time,
Uitând apoi de ea,
Forgetting than about it,
Când soarele pe boltă va urca (Va urca).
When in the sky the sun will rise (Will rise).
Clipe-fluturi îşi frâng zborul lor,
Moments-butterflies break their flight
Peste jarul primei lacrimi de dor.
Over the fire of the first longing tear.
Nerăbdarea îşi vrea preţul ei,
Impatience wants its price,
Rupând petale, fără vreun temei.
Tearing up petals without any reason.
Într-o seară timid ţi-am şoptit:
One night, shyly I whispered to you:
Flori de flăcări în mine-au înflorit.
Flowers of flames bloomed in me.
Doar petale purta fruntea mea
Just petals my forehead was wearing
Şi zâmbetul de soare se umplea.
And my smile with the sun it was filled.
Clipe-fluturi îşi frâng zborul lor,
Moments-butterflies break their flight
Peste jarul primei lacrimi de dor (De dor)
Over the fire of the first longing tear.(Longing tear)
Nerăbdarea îşi vrea preţul ei,
Impatience wants its price,
Rupând petale fără vreun temei (Vreun temei)
Tearing up petals without any reason.(Any reason)
Refren (x2)
Chorus (x2)
Ha, ha, haaa...
Ha, ha, haaa...