Translation of the song 「残暑 お見舞い 申し上げます。」 artist ℃-ute
「残暑 お見舞い 申し上げます。」
Late Summer Greetings
寂しいな 恋しいな お元気ですか
So lonely, So much longing, How are you?
あなたに 会いたいけれど
I want to see you but
My tears have calmed down a little
こうやって 大人になるの?
Will this help me become an adult?
Between the bookshelves, suddenly
懐かしい あなたの絵ハガキ
A nostalgic postcard from you
なんだか急に 胸が苦しい
Suddenly, it is like my heart hurt
Perhaps I should try and get in touch
電話する勇気など あれば今頃
If I had the courage and stuff to call,
あの恋まだ 続いてたわ
Our love would have continued up until now
苦しいな 切ないな せめて一言
So painful, So biting, At the very least
あなたに 伝えたい
I want to say just one word to you
I though I had become
思ってた 自分のことを
A little stronger woman
So many times I crossed out and threw away my words
残暑見舞い 見つめ返した
A late summer greeting card staring back at me
One week just flies by, doesn't it
このままじゃ 夏も過ぎてく
At this rate, the summer too will pass
寂しいな 恋しいな お元気ですか
So lonely, So much longing, How are you?
ねぇあなたに 会いたいけど
I want to see you but
新しい 生活の リズムもあるでしょう
A new life has its own rhythm, doesn't it
割り込めない 私
I won't meddle within it
電話する勇気など あれば今頃
If I had the courage and stuff to call,
あの恋まだ 続いてたわ
Our love would have continued up until now
苦しいな 切ないな せめて一言
So painful, So biting, At the very least
この暑い 夏の日の
I want to send my greetings
お見舞い 申し上げます
On this hot summer's day