Translation of the song めぐる恋の季節 artist ℃-ute
The Revolving Seasons of Love
めぐる季節 恋の季節
Revolving seasons, the seasons of love
夏が好きな 僕らだから
Because we love summer,
どんな時も 前向きだよ
we're always positive
輝いてる めぐる恋の季節
The revolving seasons of love are shining
BOY いつかの憧れ やっと 叶えられる
BOY His longing from long ago will finally come true
GIRL 無限なこの夢
GIRL This dream is infinite
パパもママも 知らない間に
It looks like we're learning about love
before Mom and Dad even realize it
めぐる季節 愛はときに
Revolving seasons, sometimes
近すぎても 気付かなくて
you don't even notice love when it's too close
無くしそうに なった時に
When it seems like it might be lost,
初めて気づく 大事なそのことに
then you finally notice that important thing
BOY 意識をした時 なぜか 照れくさいね
BOY When he realized it, he was embarrassed for some reason
GIRL 明日も会いたい
GIRL She wants to see him again tomorrow
我慢したり 遠慮したり
Persevering and holding back
I get the feeling I've become an adult
めぐる季節 恋の季節
Revolving seasons, the seasons of love
夏が好きな 僕らだから
Because we love summer,
どんな時も 前向きだよ
we're always positive
輝いてる めぐる恋の季節
The revolving seasons of love are shining
どんな時も 朝が来るよ
Morning will always come, no matter what
まだ知らない 朝が来るよ
A morning we don't know about yet will come
どんな時も 正直なら
As long as you're always honest
胸を張って その先へ「All Right すすんでけ!」
puff out your chest and move on All right, let's move forward!
めぐる季節 恋の季節
Revolving seasons, the seasons of love
夏が好きな 僕らだから
Because we love summer,
どんな時も 前向きだよ
we're always positive
輝いてる めぐる恋の季節
The revolving seasons of love are shining
Wao! そのままもういっちょう!
Wow! Once more just like that!
めぐる季節 愛はときに
Revolving seasons, sometimes
近すぎても 気付かなくて
you don't even notice love when it's too close
無くしそうに なった時に
When it seems like it might be lost,
初めて気づく 大事なそのことに
then you finally notice that important thing