Translation of the song 江戸の手毬唄Ⅱ artist ℃-ute



English translation

Edo Handball Song II

ひいやふうや みいやようや

1, 2, 3, 4,

いつむうななやあ ここのつとう

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

手まりころげて どこへ行く

Where will the ball go when you throw it?

江戸の名物 火事に喧嘩に

Edo's specialties are fires, fights,

伊勢屋に稲荷に 犬の糞

Iseya, Inari and dog poop

振袖火事は 本妙寺

The Furisode fire was at Honmyouji

恋の執念 恐ろしや

The tenacity of love is terrible

晴着が火を噴き とんだそな

The sleeves of her best kimono fanned the flames and they flew up

火事だ火事だ 火事は近い

It's a fire, it's a fire, the fire is getting close

庵のそばまで 延焼中

It's even spreading to the side of the retreat

芭蕉飛び込む 水の音

Bashou jumps in and there's the sound of water

江戸の火消しは いろは四十八

Edo's firemen follow the Irohashijuuhachi style

櫓で半鐘が ジャンと鳴りゃ

The fire bell resounds in the scaffolding

炎に纏の 男伊達

The chivalrous men gather at the blaze

頼りないのは 竜吐水

What we can't depend on are the water pumps

名前に負けてる 水鉄砲

They lose to their own name, they're just water pistols

千両箱が ズッシリ重い

The box of 1000 ryou is incredibly heavy;

泥棒家業の だいご味だ

They're the epitome of professional theivery

月に吠えたら おっこちた

I cried at the moon and fell to my knees

ひいやふうや みいやようや

1, 2, 3, 4,

いつむうななやあ ここのつとう

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

ひいやふうや みいやようや

1, 2, 3, 4,

いつむうななやあ ここのつとう

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

とんと首尾よく つき上がり

I successfully toss the ball with a thud

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