Translation of the song Himno al General Miguel Miramón artist Mexican Folk


Himno al General Miguel Miramón

English translation

Anthem to General Miguel Miramón

Gloria al bravo perínclito jefe

Glory to the brave and heroic chief

que el laurel en su frente ciño,

who hung the laurel on his head

y la oliva de paz y ventura

and the olive of peace and happiness

con su brazo potente alcanzo.

which he reached for with his powerful arm.

Hoy la patria renace a su sombra

Today the motherland is reborn in his shadow,

reconquista a su altivo poder;

it recaptures his fiery power;

y si el eco de un pueblo le nombra

and if the echo of a town is named after him,

es con grata efusión y placer.

it is with pleasant effusion and pleasure.

Cual en noche terrible y umbría

In which one terrible and dark night

que del éter enluta la luz,

the ether mourns the light,

a la patria una nube sombría

in a gloomy cloud the motherland

ocultaba en su negro capuz.

hides in its black hood.

Y tú, faro de dulce esperanza

And you, beacon of sweet hope,

el sostén de la patria serás,

shall be the support of the country,

tú eres iris de dulce bonanza

you are an iris of sweet bonanza

que a este suelo promete la paz.

which promises peace to this land.

Gloria al bravo perínclito jefe

Glory to the brave and heroic chief

que el laurel en su frente ciño,

who hung the laurel on his head

y la oliva de paz y ventura

and the olive of peace and happiness

con su brazo potente alcanzo.

which he reached for with his powerful arm.

Hoy la patria renace a su sombra

Today the motherland is reborn in his shadow,

reconquista a su altivo poder;

it recaptures his fiery power;

y si el eco de un pueblo le nombra

and if the echo of a town is named after him,

es con grata efusión y placer.

it is with pleasant effusion and pleasure.

La discordia sañuda la frente

Upon the face of discord is a frown,

por la patria sus alas tendió;

for the motherland has stretched its wings;

mas brilló tú valor de repente

but suddenly your courage shone

y su furia en el polvo abatió.

and its fury turned into dust.

Y la perla de América bella

And the beautiful pearl of the Americas

su ventura de hoy mas cifrará,

will value it's happiness today,

en tu gloria, que brilla y destella

in your glory, that shines and sparkles

con la aureola del genio inmortal.

with the halo of an immortal genius.

Gloria al bravo perínclito jefe

Glory to the brave and heroic chief

que el laurel en su frente ciño,

who hung the laurel on his head

y la oliva de paz y ventura

and the olive of peace and happiness

con su brazo potente alcanzo.

which he reached for with his powerful arm.

Hoy la patria renace a su sombra

Today the motherland is reborn in his shadow,

reconquista a su altivo poder;

it recaptures his fiery power;

y si el eco de un pueblo le nombra

and if the echo of a town is named after him,

es con grata efusión y placer.

it is with pleasant effusion and pleasure.

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