Translation of the song Raketou na Mars artist Věra Špinarová
Raketou na Mars
By Rocket To Mars
Raketou na Mars
By rocket to Mars
Poletíme zas - ty a já
We'll fly again - you and me
Raketou jen já a ty
By rocket only me and you
A touhletou - jen pro nás
And by this one - only for us
Raketou na Mars
By rocket to Mars
Poletíme zas
We'll fly again
No tak pěkný počasí
This beautiful weather
To se ví, chtěj mít
It's known, they want to have
Doufej, že vesmír neznámý uvidí
Hope, that unknown universe will see
Kdo jsme my - já a ty
Who we are - me and you
Raketou na Mars
By rocket to Mars
Poletíme zas - já a ty
We'll fly again - you and me
Raketou jen já a ty
By rocket only me and you
Všechny hvězdy jsou jen pro nás
All the stars only for us
Raketou na Mars
By rocket to Mars
Sobě pro radost
To enjoy ourselves
A jak láska ve mně plá a plá a plápolá
And how the love is burning and burning and blazing inside of me
Tou rourou z ocele letíme, přátelé, ke hvězdám
Through this steel pipe we are flying, friends, to the stars
Kdo to sílu má
Who is strong enough
Milovat jak já
To love like I do
A ta láska ve mně plá a plá a plápolá
And this love is burning and burning and blazing inside of me
Láska nás povznáší, láska nás vynáší ke hvězdám
The love is uplifting us, the love is taking us up to the stars
Raketou na Mars
By rocket to Mars