Translation of the song Kao kiše kap artist Jacques Houdek


Kao kiše kap

English translation

Like a drop of rain

Kažem njoj da ti mi ništa ne značiš,

I tell her that you mean nothing to me

a kako srcu da pogledam u lice

But how can I look my heart in the face

kad miris tvoj na nekoj drugoj osjetim?

When I smell your scent on another (woman)

Tješim sebe da to su samo sitnice.

I console myself that they are only details

Nisam slab, a kao da je bilo jučer

I'm not weak, but just like it was yesterday

još zaboli mjesto na kom si ušla u srce

The place, where you've entered my heart still hurts



Ponekad bih ja na svoju ruku sve ti dao

Sometimes I would give you everything on (the palm of) my hand

zbog tebe bi kao kiše kap na dno mora pao

Because of you I would fall like a drop of rain to the bottom of the sea

tamo nikada nitko neće vidjeti

There noone will ever see

što od mene napravila si

What you have made of me

samo ti...

Only you...

Prepoznam te u svakom dodiru

I recognize you in every touch

što za mene samo novu tugu skida

Which only brings new grief for me

i mrzim što toliko volim te

And I hate why I love you that much

a što te više volim, to me više kida

But the more I love you, the more it hurts me

i nisam slab, a kao da je bilo jučer

And I'm not weak, but just like it was yesterday

još zaboli mjesto na kom si ušla u srce

The place, where you've entered my heart still hurts

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