Translation of the song Moj najveći strah artist Jacques Houdek
Moj najveći strah
My Biggest Fear
Lakše bilo bi da sretnem se sa vukovima,
It would be easier if I were to run into wolves
I lavovima, tigrovima - nego kada bi otišla
And lions, tigers - than if you were to leave
Lakše bilo bi da borim se sa duhovima
It would be easier if I were to fight ghosts
I vragovima, trolovima - nego kada bi otišla
And the devils, trolls - than if you were to leave
Jer bila si i ostala moj najveći strah
Cause you were and still are my biggest fear
Ja se ne bojim padova u letu
I am not afraid of falling while flying
Ni oluja ni gromova
Or storms or thunders
Al' se bojim da na ovom svijetu i zauvijek
But I am afraid to be on this world and forever
Budem sam [x2]
Alone [x2]
Ja se bojim biti bez tebe
I am afraid to be without you
Ja se bojim biti bez tebe
I am afraid to be without you
Lakše bilo bi da sretnem se sa vukovima,
It would be easier if I were to run into wolves
I lavovima, tigrovima - nego kada bi otišla
And lions, tigers - than if you were to leave
Jer bila si i ostala moj najveći strah
Cause you were and still are my biggest fear
Ja se ne bojim padova u letu
I am not afraid of falling while flying
Ni oluja ni gromova
Or storms or thunders
Al' se bojim da na ovom svijetu i zauvijek
But I am afraid to be on this world and forever
Budem sam [x2]
Alone [x2]
Ja se bojim biti bez tebe
I am afraid to be without you
Ja se bojim biti bez tebe
I am afraid to be without you
Ja se ne bojim padova u letu
I am not afraid of falling while flying
Ni oluja ni gromova
Or storms or thunders
Al' se bojim da na ovom svijetu i zauvijek
But I am afraid to be on this world and forever
Budem sam [x2]
Alone [x2]