Translation of the song Teret artist Jacques Houdek
Misliš da ja nemam pravo na suzu,
You think I don't have the right to tears,
samo zato što sam muško,
Just because I'm a man,
što sam muško...
Cause I'm a man...
da nemam pravo?
I'm not right?
Misliš da ja nemam pravo na život,
You think I don't have the right to live,
samo zato što sam umro,
Just because I died,
što sam umro...
Cause I died...
da nemam pravo?
I don't have the right?
Mogu podnijet tišinu,
I can stand the silence
Mogu ponijet težinu,
I can bear the weight
Ali ako odeš, ja ne mogu
But if you leave, I can't
Nositi taj teret
Carry that burden
Ja sam Starac i more,1
I an The Old Man and the Sea1
Jedan od onih što se bore, ali ne mogu
One of those who fight, but I can't
Nositi taj teret
Carry that burden
Taj teret... taj teret...
That burden... that burden...
Ako mi odeš... ako mi odeš...
If you leave from me... if you leave from me...
Misliš da ja nemam pravo na ljubav,
You think I don't have a right to love
samo zato što sam ratnik,
Just because I'm a warrior,
što sam ratnik...
Cause I'm a warrior...
da nemam pravo?
I don't have the right?
Misliš da ja nemam pravo na strah,
You think I don't have the right to fear,
samo zato što sam vojnik,
Just because I'm a soldier,
što sam vojnik...
Cause I'm a soldier...
da nemam pravo?
I don't have the right?
Mogu podnijet tišinu,
I can stand the silence
Mogu ponijet težinu,
I can bear the weight
Ali ako odeš, ja ne mogu
But if you leave, I can't
Nositi taj teret
Carry that burden
Ja sam Starac i more,
I an The Old Man and the Sea
Jedan od onih što se bore, ali ne mogu
One of those who fight, but I can't
Nositi taj teret
Carry that burden
Taj teret... taj teret...
That burden... that burden...
Ako mi odeš... ako mi odeš...
If you leave from me... if you leave from me...
Misliš da ja nemam pravo na sreću,
You think I don't have the right to happiness
samo zato što sam kockar,
Just because I'm a gambler
što sam kockar...
Cause I'm a gambler...
da nemam pravo?
I don't have the right?