Translation of the song Zid artist Jacques Houdek



English translation


Ko vjetrovi lađu kad slome

Like the winds break ships:

baš tako su drugi slomili nas

that's how others broke us,

al' više ne pričam o tome

but I will not talk about that anymore

držim se mraka, tu mi je spas

I keep myself in the dark, here is my salvation.

Jer moja sreća se bijeli

Because my happiness gets white

ko biser i ostavlja trag

like a pearl, and leaves a trace

kao plijen sa strahom u grudima

like a prey with fear in his chest.

Prate je zvijeri

She is being followed by beasts,

al' nije u zvijerima vrag

but the Devil is not as black in beasts

tako crn kao u ljudima

as in people.



I sada znaš kada drugi ti zavide

And now you know when others envy you

i krene laž kao voda što navire

and send lies as water flowing out

tisuće snova ti razbije negdje o hrid

a thousand dreams they throw you off a cliff

to visok podigne zid pred tobom

and elect a high wall right in front of you.

Mjesec je svjetlo na vodi

The moon was shining on the water

duši u bijegu jedina luč

souls on the run, the only light

ma kud baš se najljepša rodi

but how the most beautiful is born

tamo gdje želju bacam pod ključ

where I lock away my wishes.


Chorus 2x

Tisuće snova ti razbije negdje o hrid

A thousand dreams they throw you off a cliff

to visok podigne zid

and elect a high wall.



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