Translation of the song Život artist Jacques Houdek



English translation


Ti si tek sretno dijete

You're just a happy child

S glavom u školskoj torbi

With your head in the school bag

A meni tridesete

And my thirties

Prošle u vječnoj borbi

Passed by in the eternal struggle

Svima da udovoljim

To indulge everyone

Samo se time bavim

That's all I do

Za nas da nešto stvorim

To create something for us

I kruh na stol da stavim

And put bread on the table

I tako dan za danom

And so day by day

Gdje god me život šalje

Where ever life sends me

S ponekom novom ranom

With a new wound here and there

Al´ ipak moram dalje

But still I must go on

Ništa mi teško nije

Nothing is hard for me

Za tebe sve bih dao

I would give everything for you

Sve tajne svijet što krije

All the secrets that the world hides

Eh, kad bih barem znao

Oh, if only I knew those

Ali, strah me, jer odgovore

But, I'm scared, cause

Ne znam ti dati baš sve

I can't give you each and every answer



Što je vrijeme? Zašto leti?

What is time? Why does it fly by?

Što je sreća? Čim se mjeri?

What is happiness? What do you measure it with?

Što je ljubav? Daj me sjeti

What is love? Come on, remind me

Što je život u vjeri?

What is life in faith?

Ostaje tajna do zadnjeg dana

It remains a secret till the last day

Mali smo dio većega plana

We are a small portion of a greater plan

A svaki dan novi je dar

And each new day is a new gift

Za tebe nova prilika

A new chance for you

Da budeš bolji nego ja

To be better than I am

Ko' priča preduboka

Like a story too deep

Kad svome kraju dođe

When it comes to an end

Brzo, ko' treptaj oka

Quickly, in a blink of an eye

Život kroz prste prođe

Life goes through your fingers

Kad blijedi mjesec zađe

When the pale moon sets

Sunce će opet sjati

Sun will shine again

A duša mir kad nađe

And when a soul finds peace

U trenu bol će stati

Pain will cease in an instant

Ali, ipak, odgovore

But, still, the answers

Nitko od nas ne zna sve

None of us has them all



Što je vrijeme? Zašto leti?

What is time? Why does it fly by?

Što je sreća? Čim se mjeri?

What is happiness? What do you measure it with?

Što je ljubav? Daj me sjeti

What is love? Come on, remind me

Što je život u vjeri?

What is life in faith?

Ostaje tajna do zadnjeg dana

It remains a secret till the last day

Mali smo dio većega plana

We are a small portion of a greater plan

A svaki dan novi je dar

And each new day is a new gift

Za tebe nova prilika

A new chance for you

Da budeš bolji nego ja

To be better than I am

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