Translation of the song 虹の都へ artist Hiroshi Takano



English translation

To the City of Rainbows


You and I am meeting here all the time.

太陽しか知らない 二人だけの秘密

There's a secret between us that only the sun knows.

君はいつもより嘆いてる 遠ざかる時の悲しさを

You are grieving more than usual, the sadness of moving away.

だけど 僕たちは知っている 香りが誘う この場所を

But we know this place where the scent invites us.

地球の中の知られざる街へ 僕たちは向かう

We are heading to an undiscovered city on the earth.

君と僕はいつでもここで 会っているのさ

You and I am meeting here all the time.

太陽しか知らない 二人だけの秘密

There's a secret between us that only the sun knows.

何を信じたらいいのかも 判らない時が来ていた

The time has come when I don't even know what to believe.

だけど 僕たちは知っている 君を変えるのは君だけさ

But we know, you are the only one who can change you.

自分の中に宇宙があることに 気がつけばきっと

Once you realize that there is a universe inside of you, you will be able to.


You and I am meeting here all the time.

太陽しか知らない 二人だけの秘密

There's a secret between us that only the sun knows.

昨日よりもっと 今日の方がいい そして 世界は廻ってる

Today is much better than yesterday, and the world is rotating.


You and I am meeting here all the time.

太陽しか知らない 二人だけの秘密

There's a secret between us that only the sun knows.


You and I am meeting here all the time.

太陽しか知らない 二人だけの秘密

There's a secret between us that only the sun knows.


You and I am meeting here all the time.

太陽さえ知らない 二人だけの秘密

There's a secret between us that even the sun does not know.

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