Translation of the song アンチクロロベンゼン (Destructive-type Brainwashing Song) artist OwataP


アンチクロロベンゼン (Destructive-type Brainwashing Song)

English translation


苦しくて 悲しくて 悔しくて やめたくて

It's painful, it's sad, it's frustrating, I want to stop

それすらも 許されず なにもかも 失うだけで

But even that is not allowed, I am losing everything

辛過ぎて 憎過ぎて 虚しくて 消したくて

It's spicy, I hate it, it's useless, I want to erase it

なにもかも 投げ出して 飛び出して 喚き叫ぶよ!

I'm gonna throw it all away, then jump out and scream!

キミはなにも知らずに 夜の街を駆けるよ

You run through the city at night, no knowing anything

ボクはなにも言わずに それをただ見てるだけ

I watch you without saying anything

チープな言葉並べ ゴールは何処にあるの?

Arranging words without values, what's the point?

ルールはそこに無くて 脆く朽ち果ててゆく

There is no rule for that and you rot easily

ボクはそして語る この世の全てを正すんだと

I say that I'll get this world fixed

ボクは野良猫に騙る ボクなら全てを正せるよと

I disappointed a stray cat by saying I could fix everything

出来もしない誓い振りかざし 独りよがりに酔い痴れる

I can't even keep my promises, I feel lonely

みんな知ってる 理解してる だからボクは今日も

Everyone knows, they understood, that's why today

晒されて 壊されて 錆ついて 朽ち果てて

I'm exposed, I'm destroyed, I'm rusty, I'm rotten

ありもしない 噂さえ 流されて 真となるよ

Even the false rumours around me will come true

嘘でもいい 構わない ボクたちが 正しくて

Even if it's a lie, it doesn't matter

キミたちの 罪深い 背徳を 捻り潰すよ!

I will destroy your immorality!


Is there any meaning to this song?


There is no meaning to this song.


Is there a sin in this song?


There is no sin in this song.


Is there any meaning to this song?


There is no meaning to this song.


Is there a sin in this song?


The sin of this song is ...









ボクはそして気付く 所詮はなにも生み出さないと

I notice then that there is nothing I can do about it

キミの生きる価値はなに? 野良猫は水に突き落とした

What are your values ​​in your life? The cat was thrown into the water

意味のない言葉に踊らされ 振り廻され失うんだ

Dancing and swaying on meaningless words, having lost everything

なにが善だ なにが悪だ もうなにもわからない

What is good and what is bad? I do not even know anymore


Come on, let's be crazy together.


Why am I singing?




I sing without understanding the meaning




I balance justice to beat evil




We don't even notice our stupid acts

ありえない 許さない 止まらない この気持ち

It's impossible, it's unforgivable, this impassive feeling

この辛さ この憎さ 貫いて 心を討つよ

This pain, this hate, I will avenge my heart

苦しくて 悲しくて 虚しくて 消したくて

It's painful, it's sad, it's no use, I want to erase it

それすらも 許されず 諦めは ボクを救うから

But even that is not allowed, giving up will save me

嘘でもいい 構わない 許しましょう 認めましょう

But it's okay, I don't care, I forgive it, I admit it

笑いさえ 妬みさえ 狂おしく 愛せそうだよ

Even the smiles, even the jealousy, I could love it

善でもいい 悪でもいい *しましょう 眠りましょう

Be it right, be it wrong, let's * then fall asleep

もういいよ 疲れたよ ボクたちは 救われますか?

It's okay, I'm tired, can we be saved?

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