Translation of the song ゾウさんの瞳はなぜ青い artist Kumiko Ōsugi



English translation

Why are the Elephant's Eyes Blue?

ゾウさんのめは なぜあおい

Why are the elephant's eyes blue?

とおくはなれた ふるさとの

Is it because it's looking at the savannahs

大草原を みてるから?

of its home so far, far away?

それともゆうべ ゆめにみた

Or is it because the gigantic ocean it saw at night

おおきなうみが うつるから?

in a dream is reflected there?

ゾウさんのめは なぜほそい

Why are the elephant's eyes thin?

いつもげんきな こどもたち

Is it because they're always narrowing their eyes

おめめほそめて みてるから?

to look at the cheerful little children?

それともひとり さびしくて

Or is it because it's sad being all alone

ないてはおめめ こするから

and wipes away the tears when it cries?

ゾウさんのめは ほしのよう

The elephant's eyes are like stars

ひとのこころを ひきよせる

Drawing in the hearts of people

南十字の ほしのよう

Like the Southern Cross

いつかはきっと ふるさとへ

Like they're dreaming of the day

かえれるゆめを みてるよう

they'll finally be able to go home

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