Translation of the song Az aki mondja artist 30Y


Az aki mondja

English translation

The one who says

Az aki mondja,

The one who says

Ki van a képen, ha én nem találom a helyem

Who's in the picture, if I can't find my place

Hasonlít hozzám és mondja helyettem a nevem

Looks like me and saying my name for me

Neki az álma, hogy egyszer találjon olyat

Their dream is to find someone

Aki ma tényleg éppen ugyanaz

Who's exactly the same today

A szíve a szívem másé

Their heart my heart belongs to another

A neve nem

Their name is not

A neve neve nem (a neve nem)

Their name, their name is not (their name is not)

A neve neve nem (a neve nem)

Their name, their name is not (their name is not)

A neve neve nem

Their name, their name is not

Van ami bennem, ha minden sehogyse igaz

There is something in me, if nothing's true at all

Akinek mondom, elhiszi, mer' én vagyok az

To whom I tell, will believe it, cause it's me

Aki ha hallja a hangot és hinni akar

The one who hears the sounds and wants to believe

Hisz is majd benne, hisz ismered

And will believe, cause you know them

A szíve a szívem másé

Their heart my heart belongs to another

A neve nem

Their name is not

A neve neve nem (a neve nem)

Their name, their name is not (their name is not)

A neve neve nem (a neve nem)

Their name, their name is not (their name is not)

A neve neve nem

Their name, their name is not

Ki van a képen, ha én nem találom a helyem

Who's in the picture, if I can't find my place

Hasonlít hozzám és mondja helyettem a nevem

Looks like me and saying my name for me

Neki az álma, hogy egyszer találjon olyat

Their dream is to find someone

Aki ma tényleg éppen ugyanaz

Who's exactly the same today

A szíve a szívem másé

Their heart my heart belongs to another

A neve nem

Their name is not

A neve neve nem (a neve nem)

Their name, their name is not (their name is not)

A neve neve nem (a neve nem)

Their name, their name is not (their name is not)

A neve neve nem (a neve nem)

Their name, their name is not (their name is not)

A neve neve nem

Their name, their name is not

Felkap és elfut, nem hisz semmit el

Picking me up and running away, doesn't believe anything

Elkapom itt van, magához ölel

I catch them, they're here, holding me tight

Ahogyan szólít, ha nem ismerem

The way they call me, if I don't know

A nevemen nem a neve nevemen

Not by my name, by my na-name

A nevemen nem a neve nevemen

Not by my name, by my na-name

A nevemen nem a neve nevemen

Not by my name, by my na-name

A nevemen nem a neve nevemen

Not by my name, by my na-name

A nevemen nem a neve neve

Not by my name, by my na-na...

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