Ti si tako loca, bebo, radiš me kô koka (Koka!)
You're so loca, baby, you are like cocaine (Coca!)
Hoće da je naučim da mota (Woo!)
She wants me to teach her how to roll a joint (Woo!)
Izgleda kao riba iz spota (Brra!)
She looks like a chick from a music video (Brra!)
Ona će da me dovede do bankrota
She will put me into bankruptcy
Polu-gola, ali je nije sramota (Woo!)
Half-naked, but she feels no shame (Woo!)
Iskulira svakog idiota
She ignores every idiot
Da ne udarim tu guzu bila bi greota (Pljas!)
It would be a shame not to slap that booty (Slap!)
Izašla je, hoće da se napije
She went out, she wants to get drunk
Zbog nje možeš da dobiješ batine
You can get beat up because of her
Na Instagramu pola grada prati je
Half of the city is following her on Instagram
Puna je love, niko ne može da plati je
She's loaded with money, no one can pay for her
Loca, loca, loca
Loca, loca, loca
Loca, loca, loca
Loca, loca, loca
(Bebi, pa ti nisi normalna!) Loca
(Baby, well, you're out of your mind!) Loca
(Bebi, pa ti nisi normalna!) Loca
(Baby, well, you're out of your mind!) Loca
(Bebi, pa ti nisi normalna!) Loca, loca, loca
(Baby, well, you're out of your mind!) Loca, loca, loca
Nikad ne spava, a kod mene bi da prespava
She never sleeps, but she'd like to spend the night here
Toliko je lepa da je nestvarna
She's so beautiful that she's unreal
Celu noć je mešala, totalno blesava
She was dancing whole night, so whacky
Zna svaku reč mojih pesama
She knows all the lyrics to my songs
Obučena kô da je došla sa modne revije
Dressed as she just came from a fashion show
Troši pare brzo, u svemu preteruje
She spends quickly, she overdoes everything
Svaku moju novu pesmu šeruje
She shares every my new song
Kako mrda guzom, ne mogu da verujem
I can't believe the way she shakes her booty
Izašla je, hoće da se napije
She went out, she wants to get drunk
Zbog nje možeš da dobiješ batine
You can get beat up because of her
Na Instagramu pola grada prati je
Half of the city is following her on Instagram
Puna je love, niko ne može da plati je
She's loaded with money, no one can pay for her
Loca, loca, loca
Loca, loca, loca
Loca, loca, loca
Loca, loca, loca
(Bebi, pa ti nisi normalna!)
(Baby, well, you're out of your mind!) Loca
(Bebi, pa ti nisi normalna!)
(Baby, well, you're out of your mind!) Loca
(Bebi, pa ti nisi normalna!) Loca, loca, loca
(Baby, well, you're out of your mind!) Loca, loca, loca