Slatka je kô stracciatella, čeka me ispred hotela
She's as sweet as stracciatella, waiting for me in front of the hotel
Pijana je od koktela, kaže ti da te voli, ali te žela
She's tipsy from the cocktail, she tells you she loves you but she's just lying
Sa mnom radi sve što s tobom nije htela
She's doing everything she didn't wanna do with you now
Sa mnom sme sve što nikad nije smela
She's doing stuff with me that she never could
Meša mi u krilu u sred separea, na zlo me tera, previše je vrela
She's dancing in my lap at my table in the club, the little hottie is driving me nuts
Ona je tako yummy, na svakom je bilbordu i u svakoj reklami
She's so yummy, on every bilboard and every commercial
Nije fina, samo se pravi, svašta radi kad smo sami
She's not nice, just pretending, she does lots of things when we're alone
Bebo slatka si kô stracciatella, sviđa mi se svaki deo tvog tela
Baby you're as sweet as stracciatella, I like every part of your body
Znam da bolje od tebe nema, tebi ne smetaju moja krivična dela
I know there's no better than you, you don't even mind my crimes
U BG-u više koke od kartela, ej, ovaj grad je kô favela
There's more coke in Belgrade than in cartels, aye, this city is like a favela
Ej, a ti slatka si kô stracciatella, bebo, slatka si kô stracciatella
Aye, but you're as sweet as stracciatella, baby, you're as sweet as stracciatella
Ona je devojka sa naslovne strane
She's a covergirl
Kol'ko je lepa, kad je vidim, ja se zgranem
She's so pretty, when I see her, I'm simply shocked
Nema mane, zbog nje mi stane pamet
Zero flaws, she's driving me crazy
Ukrala je moje srce, kao šaner
She stole my heart like a thief
Slatka je kô stracciatellica, zakucam u tu cupi kao Nemanja Bjelica
She's as sweet as stracciatella, I pound into that coochie just like Nemanja Bjelica
Hoće da mi bude ženica, to-to, to-to je moja bebica
She wants to be my wifey, that's my babygirl
Njene grudi jaka petica, u isto vreme i kurva i svetica
Her boobs are are a nice C cup, at the same time she's acting like a hoe and a saint
Ponaša se kao šefica, bacila je na mene čini kô veštica
Acting like a boss, she casted spells on me like a witch
Bebo slatka si kô stracciatella, sviđa mi se svaki deo tvog tela
Baby you're as sweet as stracciatella, I like every part of your body
Znam da bolje od tebe nema, tebi ne smetaju moja krivična dela
I know there's no better than you, you don't even mind my crimes
U BG-u više koke od kartela, ej, ovaj grad je kô favela
There's more coke in Belgrade than in cartels, aye, this city is like a favela
Ej, a ti slatka si kô stracciatella, bebo, slatka si kô stracciatella
Aye, but you're as sweet as stracciatella, baby, you're as sweet as stracciatella
Bebo slatka si kô stracciatella, sviđa mi se svaki deo tvog tela
Baby you're as sweet as stracciatella, I like every part of your body
Znam da bolje od tebe nema, tebi ne smetaju moja krivična dela
I know there's no better than you, you don't even mind my crimes
U BG-u više koke od kartela, ej, ovaj grad je kô favela
There's more coke in Belgrade than in cartels, aye, this city is like a favela
Ej, a ti slatka si kô stracciatella, bebo, slatka si kô stracciatella
Aye, but you're as sweet as stracciatella, baby, you're as sweet as stracciatella