くちづけのその後で おしゃべりはしないで
After that kiss, don't start chattering
My heart shakes so much
That probably ends bursting into tears
あゝあなたには何気ない 事件でも私は
For you it was a casual event
But for me it was a big happening
That changed the world
大人びたふりをして ここまでついて来たが
Pretending to grow, I reached this point
はりさけるときめきで めまいがしそうよ
With the palpitation opening, I think I have vertigo
好きよ 好きだから怒れない あなたのことを
I like you, since I like you, I can't get angry at you
声かけて呼ぶまでは この場所に来ないで
Until I call you to say something, don't come to this place
Until I cure these shiverings
Leave me alone
あゝ悲しくはないけれど あまりにも突然
I'm not sad but since
You kissed me so suddenly
I don't understand why it was good
大人びたふりをして ここまでついて来たが
Pretending to grow, I reached this point
耳たぶも熱くなる はげしいはじらい
My earlobes get hot, I turned violent
好きよ 好きだから帰れない あなたをのこし
I like you, since I like you, I can't return leaving you behind
大人びたふりをして ここまでついて来たが
Pretending to grow, I reached until here
耳たぶも熱くなる はげしいはじらい
My earlobes get hot, I turned violent
好きよ 好きだから帰れない あなたをのこし
I like you, since I like you, I can't return leaving you behind