Translation of the song Adéu, adéu amor meu i sort artist Joan Manuel Serrat
Adéu, adéu amor meu i sort
Goodbye, goodbye my love and good luck
Tan lluny i tan a prop
So far and so close
com el riu i el xop.
like the river and the black poplar.
L'un caminant
The one walking
i l'altre quiet.
and the other motionless.
Plegats però indiferents
Together but indifferent
com l'arbre i el vent.
like the tree and the wind.
L'un dalt del puig
The one at the top of the mountain
i l'altre fuig...
and the other flees.
Adéu, adéu amor meu i sort.
Goodbye, goodbye my love and good luck.
Quan un no vol
When one doesn't want
no es pot fer un hort on hi ha un erol,
one cannot make a garden where there's a threshing floor,
ni quan és fosc fer néixer el sol
nor when it is dark make the Sun be born
ni seda del setí,
nor silk from satin,
ni d'una drecera és pot fer un camí.
nor from a roof can one make a road.
El blat no neix sense llavor
Wheat isn't born without seed
i està buit el graner. Per això
and empty is the granary. For this
abans que arribi el nou dia
before the new day arrives
me n'aniré cap on sia.
I will go where I must.
Adéu, adéu amor meu i sort.
Goodbye, goodbye my love and good luck.
I no pateixis gens
And don't suffer at all
si demà passat
if the day after tomorrow
has de rentar
you must wash
un llençol meu.
a sheet of mine.
No se n'adornarà
He won't realise
aquell que vindrà
the one who comes
a escalfar el llit
to warm the bed
que deixo buit.
that I leave empty.
Adéu, adéu amor meu i sort.
Goodbye, goodbye my love and good luck.
Quan un no vol
When one doesn't want
no es pot fer un hort on hi ha un erol,
one cannot make a garden where there's a threshing floor,
ni quan és fosc fer néixer el sol
nor when it is dark make the Sun be born
ni seda del setí,
nor silk from satin,
ni d'una drecera és pot fer un camí.
nor from a roof can one make a road.
El blat no neix sense llavor
Wheat isn't born without seed
i està buit el graner. Per això
and empty is the granary. For this
abans que arribi el nou dia
before the new day arrives
me n'aniré cap on sia.
I will go where I must.
Adéu, adéu amor meu i sort.
Goodbye, goodbye my love and good luck.
Adéu, adéu amor meu i sort.
Goodbye, goodbye my love and good luck.