Translation of the song Barquito de papel artist Joan Manuel Serrat
Barquito de papel
Little paper boat
Barquito de papel,
Little paper boat,
sin nombre, sin patrón
without name, without captain
y sin bandera,
and without flag,
navegando sin timón
navigating without helm
donde la corriente quiera.
where the current may want.
Aventurero audaz,
Audacious adventurer,
jinete de papel
rider of square
que mi mano sin pasado
that my hand without a past
sentó a lomos de un canal.
felt on the back of a canal.
Cuando el canal era un río,
When the canal was a river,
cuando el estanque era el mar,
when the pond was the sea,
y navegar
and to navigate
era jugar con el viento.
was playing with the wind.
Era una sonrisa a tiempo,
It was a smile on time,
fugándose feliz
running away happy
de país en país,
from country to country,
entre la escuela y mi casa.
between school and my house.
Después el tiempo pasa
Later time passes
y te olvidas de aquel
and thou forgetest of that
barquito de papel.
little paper boat.
Barquito de papel,
Little paper boat,
en qué extraño arenal
on what strange sandy area
habrán varado
will get stranded
tu sonrisa y mi pasado,
thy smile and my past,
vestidos de colegial.
dressed for school.
Cuando el canal era un río,
When the canal was a river,
cuando el estanque era el mar,
when the pond was the sea,
y navegar
and to navigate
era jugar con el viento.
was playing with the wind.
Era una sonrisa a tiempo.
It was a smile on time.