Translation of the song Bienaventurados artist Joan Manuel Serrat
Blessed are the
La vida te la dan
They give you life
pero no te la regalan.
but they don't gift it to you.
La vida se paga
Life is paid
por más que te pene.
for the more it torments you.
Así ha sido desde que
It's been like this since
Dios echó al hombre del Edén,
God tossed man out of Eden,
por confundir
for confusing
lo que está bien
that what is good
con lo que le conviene.
for what conveniences him.
Si a plazos o al contado
If in payments or upfront
la vida pasa factura,
life takes its toll,
rebaña y apura
slices and finishes
hasta las migajas.
up the the last crumb.
Que si en cada alegría
That if in each joy
hay una amargura,
there is a bitterness,
todo infortunio esconde alguna ventaja.
all misfortune hides some advantage.
Bienaventurados los necios
Blessed are the fools
que se arriesgan a prestar consejos
that put themselves at risk to lend advice
porque serán sabios a costa
for they will be wise at the expense
de los errores ajenos.
of other people's errors.
Bienaventurados los pobres
Blessed are the poor
porque saben, con certeza,
for they know, with certainty,
que no ha de quererles nadie por sus riquezas.
that no one must love them for their riches.
Bienaventurados los adictos a emociones fuertes
Blessed are the addicts to strong emotions
porque corren buenos tiempos para la gente marchosa.
for time flies for fun-living people.
Bienaventurados los dueños del poder y la gloria
Blessed are the owners of power and glory
porque pueden informarnos de qué va la cosa.
for they inform us of how the thing goes.
Bienaventurados los que alcanzan la cima
Blessed are those who reach the peak
porque será cuesta abajo el resto del camino.
for it will be downhill the rest of the journey.
Bienaventurados los que catan el fracaso
Blessed are those who experience defeat
porque reconocerán a sus amigos.
for they will recognise their friends.
En cualquier circunstancia
In whatever circumstance
por lastimosa que sea,
for dreadful it may be,
busca la manera
search for the way
de comer perdices;
to live happily ever after;
que a pesar de lo alto que
that in spite of how high
nos coloquen el listón,
that they set the bar for us,
hay que brincar
it's necessary to leap
con la intención
with the intention
de ser felices.
of being happy.
Bienaventurados los castos
Blessed are the chaste
porque tienen la gracia divina
for they have divine grace
y la ocasión de dejar de serlo
and the chance to stop being it
a la vuelta de la esquina.
at the turn of one's back.
Bienaventurados los que aman
Blessed are those who passionately love
porque tienen a su alcance
for they have at their power
más de un cincuenta por ciento de un gran romance.
more than fifty percent of a grand romance.
Bienaventurados los que están en el fondo del pozo
Blessed are those who are at the bottom of the well
porque de ahí en adelante
for from there and forwards
sólo cabe ir mejorando.
there is only room to get better.
Bienaventurados los que presumen de sus redaños
Blessed are those who blow their own trumpet
porque tendrán ocasiones
for they will have the chance
para demostrarlo.
to demonstrate it.
Bienaventurados los que contrajeron deudas
Blessed are those who incurred in a debt
porque alguna vez alguien hizo algo por ellos.
for at one time someone did something for them.
Bienaventurados los que lo tienen claro
Blessed are those who have it clear
porque de ellos es el reino de los ciegos.
for theirs is the kingdom of the blind.