Translation of the song Cancion Infantil artist Joan Manuel Serrat
Cancion Infantil
Children´s song
Y bueno, pues,
And so, then,
un día más
just another day
que se va colando
slowly seeping in,
de contrabando.
slowly smuggling itself in.
Y bueno, pues,
And so, then,
adiós a ayer
goodbye to yesterday
y cada uno
and let everyone tend
a lo que hay que hacer.
to what he needs to tend to.
Tú, enciende el sol.
You, light up the sun.
Tú, tiñe el mar,
You, dye the sea,
y tú, descorre el velo
and you, slide apart the veil
que oscurece el cielo,
obscuring the sky,
y tú, ve a blanquear
and you, go and whitewash
la espuma y la nube,
the sea foam and the cloud,
la nieve y la lana,
the snow and the wool,
y tú, conmigo a cantar la mañana.
and you, come with me to sing to the morning.
Tú, a dibujar
You, get to drawing
el trigo y la flor.
the wheat and the flower.
Tú, haces de viento,
You, you are the wind,
dales movimiento
give them motion,
y tú les das color.
and you, give them colours.
Tú, amasa los montes.
You, knead the mountains,
Tú, al pozo a baldear
you, go to the well and get water
y tú, conmigo y el gallo a cantar...
and you, come with me and the rooster to sing.
Que hay que empezar
For we have to start
un día más.
another day.
Tire pa'lante
You press on forward,
que empujan atrás.
the guys behind are pushing on.
Y póngase el calcetín, paloma mía,
And put your socks on, my little dove,
y véngase a cocinar el nuevo día.
and come to cook the new day.
Todo esta listo, el agua, el sol y el barro,
Everything is ready- the water, the sun, the mud,
pero si falta usted no habrá milagro.
but without you, there won´t be a miracle.
Si le falta usted
If you are missing,
a un mundo enfermo y con canas,
in a world that is sick and white-haired,
quién va a hacerle la cama
who would make its bed
y quién le peinará la frente
and who would comb its head
y quién le lavará la cara.
and who will wash its face.
Si falta su risa
If your laughter is missing
para echarlo a andar.
to kick it into motion,
Venga conmigo y el gallo a cantar.
come with me and the rooster to sing.