Era suau com el vellut,
She was gentle like velvet,
i poregosa com un conill menut.
and faint-hearted like a little rabbit.
En Snoopy era el seu heroi
Snoopy was her hero
i li agradava jugar com un noi
and she liked to play like a boy
i de la mà
and by the hand
em duia amunt i avall sense parar.
she would bring me left and write without stopping.
fent tombarelles pel cel,
doing cartwheels in the sky,
(és maco el temps d'estimar),
(it's beautiful the time in love),
i no va ser aquell un temps perdut.
and that wasn't a lost time.
Conillet de vellut.
Little velvet bunny.
Però el conill fora del niu
But the rabbit out of the nest
m'enganyava amb qualsevol objectiu,
would deceive me with any goal,
se'm perdia en el forat
I was lost in the shortfall
d'una Nikon o una Hassenlblad...
from a Nikon or a Hassenlblad…
Calia triar
I had to chose
o tocar el dos o fer
or get lost or have
un ménage à trois.
a ménage à trois.
Però això és immoral
But this is immoral
quan s'és un home com cal,
when one is a man so proper,
ibèric, mascle i cristià,
Iberian, masculine and Christian,
i em vaig quedar sol i fotut,
and I remained alone and screwed,
conillet de vellut.
little velvet bunny.
L'Elle, el Vogue i el Harpers Bazaar
Elle, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar
t'afusellen en cada exemplar.
plagiarised you in each issue.
Diuen que t'ha dat un lloc
They say that you were given a place by
Richard Avedon a New York.
Richard Avedon in New York.
No et pots queixar.
You can't complain.
El que somniaves ja ho tens a la mà.
What you dreamed of is already in your hands.
Et coneix la gent,
People know you,
t'estima un adolescent
an adolescent loves you
i un iaio et vol adoptar.
and an old man wants to adopt you.
Ets feliç amb el teu nou drut?
Are you happy with your new beau?
Conillet de vellut...
Little velvet bunny…
Però avui he vist el cel obert,
But today I've seen the open sky,
Déu, que és bo i que sap el que sofert,
God, who is good and knows what I've suffered,
m'ha deixat els seus consells
has given me his advice
en un aparador de can Castells,
in a shop display from the house of Castells,
i m'he comprat el llibre La fotografia és un art.
and I've bought myself the book Photography is an art.
I abans d'un mes
And within a month
seré millor que en Pomés.
I will be better than Pomés**.
Ja saps a on em trobaràs...
You know where you'll find me…
dos-zero-tres, vuit-dos, vuit-dos,
203 82 82***
conillet poregós.
cowardly little bunny.
Sense un romanço ni un rebut,
Without an excuse nor a bill,
conillet de vellut.
little velvet bunny.