Translation of the song El 20 de Març artist Joan Manuel Serrat


El 20 de Març

English translation

20th March

M'hauria agradat estar despert

I would have liked to be awake,

aquell matí que amb un vestit verd

That morning when dressed in green clothes,

entre uns bladars

In the middle of wheat fields,

ell va arribar.

It arrived.

Venia xiulant, com un infant.

It came whistling, like a child.

Tenia plenes d'ocells les mans

It had plenty of birds in its hands

i cel amunt

Which, up there,

els anava escampant.

Were flying away.

El voltaven les abelles.

Bees were all around.

Duia un barret de roselles

He wore a beret with poppies

i a la bandolera

And across the shoulder

em duia la primavera

The 20th of March

el vint de Març.

Brought me Spring.

M'hauria agradat estar despert

I would have liked to be awake

o haver deixat els balcons oberts

Or have let the balconies open

i en el meu son

And in my sleep

intuir com...,

Feel how...

teules i branques s'omplen de nius

The tiles and the branches were filled with nests

i el roc eixut torna a mullar-se al riu

The dry rock got soaked again in the river

i el crit agut d'una perdiu.

And a partridge cried out.

I del conill la mirada

And the glance of a rabbit

i olorar la matinada

And in the morning, feeling

que a la bandolera

That across the shoulder

ens va dur la primavera

The 20th of March

el vint de Març.

Brought me Spring.

M'hauria agradat estar despert.

I would have liked to be awake,

Jeure damunt d'un roc com un lluert

Laying on a rock like a lizard,

de panxa al sol

The belly in the sunshine

i amb un flabiol,

And with a flute,

i haver sortit a rebre'l com cal

Welcoming it properly,

i guarnir amb flors de paper els portals

Having decorated the doors with paper flowers.

com si fos temps

As if it was

de carnaval.

Carnaval time.

Però aquell matí jo dormia

But that morning I was sleeping

tranquil, perquè no sabia

Quietly, because I didn't know

que a la bandolera

That across the shoulder

em duia la primavera

The 20th of March

el vint de Març.

Brought me Spring.

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