Translation of the song El Drapaire artist Joan Manuel Serrat


El Drapaire

English translation

The Ragman

Sempre de matí

Always in the morning

fes sol o plogués,

whether the sun shines or the rain pours

malgrat el fred o la boira,

in spite of the cold or the fog

de carrer en carrer,

street by street

sentíem cridar:

we heard shouting :

Dones, que arriba el drapaire

“Misses the ragman is coming”

Com cada matí,

As every day

et vèiem venir...

we saw you coming…

Duies un sac a l'esquena,

You carried a bag on the back

un puro apagat,

an extinguished cigar

un trajo estripat,

a worn out “suit”

la boina i les espardenyes.

the beret and the espadrilles

Sempre venies seguit

You were always followed

per un ramat de canalla.

by a crowd of scoundrels.

Eres tota una atracció.

You were an whole attraction,

Tu, el teu sac i la cançó...

You, your bag and the song...

Sóc el drapaire,

“I’m the ragman,

compro ampolles i papers,

I buy bottles and papers

compro draps i roba bruta,

I buy tissues and dirty clothes

paraigües i mobles vells...

umbrellas and old furnitures”...

Sóc el drapaire,

“I’m the ragman,

i els marrecs anaven cantant.

and the kids were singing along.

Ja m'esteu emprenyant massa.

You make me too angry.

No us ha dit la vostra mare

Didn’t your mother tell you

que jo sóc l'home del sac?

I’m the boogeyman “?

I així fins la nit,

And so until the night

de carrer en carrer,

street by street

i de taverna en taverna.

and pub by pub.

Amb els teus papers

With your papers

i el cos ple de vi

and the body full of wine

tornaràs a casa teva.

you will return to your home.

I tornes feliç,

And you return happy,

car tot ho has comprat:

as you bought everything

el peix, el vi i una espelma.

the fish, the wine and a candle.

I un bocí d'amor,

And a piece of love

que et deu haver dat

that may have been given you

qualsevol bandarra vella.

an old ordinary prostitute.

Mai no tens temps per a pensar.

You never have time to think.

A dormir. Bufa l'espelma.

Go to sleep. Blow the candle.

I l'endemà, a voltar el món,

And on the morrow, wander the world

tu, el teu sac i la cançó...

You, your bag and the song...

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